DATE: February 20, 2020 TIME: 1:00 PM
CONTACT: Deborah L. Gaither 256.549.4575 (Office)
Officials Declare a Local State of Emergency
Gadsden, AL – On the heels of Alabama Governor Kay Ivey formally signing a State of Emergency Order due to flooding, local officials have now declared a local state of emergency due to flooding as well. The Etowah County Commission, in conjunction with EMA Director Deborah L. Gaither, signed the local declaration today. This order affects all communities located within Etowah County. “The reason for this declaration relates to the flooding and immense amount of rain the county has seen since February 4th, 2020,” said Gaither. According to records, portions of Etowah County have seen as much as 13.60 inches of rain since February 4th. Because this large amount of rain has fallen in a relatively short period of time, the ground has not had a chance to absorb much of the runoff from rivers, tributaries, and streams.
The Gadsden/Etowah County Emergency Management Agency has reached out to local government and municipal partners to begin determining the effects the flooding has produced in the county. These damage assessments will be ongoing so the information can be passed along to the State of Alabama Emergency Management Agency. All municipal leaders and governmental agencies are encouraged to contact the EMA if resources or personnel were utilized to make emergency repairs due to flooding. “It is important for the State to have an accurate picture of the amount of damage present in our county,” said Etowah County Commission Chairman Jeffery Washington.
Citizens are urged to contact the GECEMA with reports of flooding impacts they may have experienced – especially those related to agriculture or livestock losses. The EMA can be reached via telephone at 256-549-4575, Monday through Friday 8 AM to 4:30 PM or via email at