ICS 300 Overview

ICS 400 Overview

C14.7747.07-F -MGT 347 ICS Forms Review flyer

National Incident Management System (NIMS) and implement the targeted training. This is also a requirement for many funding sources.

To aid in fulfilling these requirements, we have created an integrated preparedness program for Etowah County which includes the scheduling of focused trainings and exercises for county stakeholders.

We currently have three courses planned for the new year (@ The Emergency Operations Center, 4610 Airport Road, Gadsden, AL 35904) :

 ICS Forms Review – 01/25/2022 (see attached flier)
Link to register: https://my.teex.org/TeexPortal/Default.aspx?MO=mCourseCatalog&D=FP&C=MGT347&S=696

 Intermediate ICS Expanding Incidents (also known as ICS 300) – 01/25/2022 – 01/27/2022 (see attached flier)
Link to register: https://my.teex.org/TeexPortal/Default.aspx?MO=mCourseCatalog&D=FP&C=MGT904&S=609

 Advanced ICS-400 Command and General Staff-Complex Incidents – 03/09/2022 – 03/10/2022 (see attached flier)
*Registration link will follow soon…

CEU’s will be given, and lunch will be provided on January 27th. Please, register quickly, as there will be limited seating available!

!!Help us maintain our NIMS Compliance status with our State and Federal partners, so that you may continue to be eligible for all funding assistance.!!

For More Information Contact:
Breonna Cole, Emergency Management Specialist
Gadsden/Etowah County EMA
P.O. Box 267
Gadsden, Alabama 35902
Phone: (w) 256-549-4575 (c) 256-613-1895
Southern Link: 256-563-0034
Email: bcole@cityofgadsden.com