Statement from the Gadsden/Etowah County Emergency Management Agency Director 03/18/2020
March 18, 2020
As the Director of the Gadsden/Etowah County Emergency Management Agency, I have anticipated making this statement for several days. I make this statement with great concern and caution for all citizens. *School is out! This does not mean vacation by any means in this situation. We are battling an “invisible” Public Health Emergency and need the help and assistance of all to do this. *This is not two weeks of Spring Break. *Children should be at home, social distancing, staying healthy, not meeting in groups. *Not attending gatherings for socializing. To all parents and guardians of school aged children: You must educate your children that they can be “The solution and not part of the cause, they can be warriors in the battle to help STOP THE SPREAD of COVID-19”.
Effective today: There is a county wide curfew for all school aged children in Etowah County. Nightly from 9:00 p.m. to each morning at 6:00 a.m. unless accompanied by a parent or guardian until further notice. Daily your school aged children should be given instruction not to be out in public in groups to socialize. This is a serious situation and we need your help and assistance with this matter. I do hope you find things for your children to do at home that can keep them occupied but, yet let them have fun. These are difficult times and all must come up with unique ideas to keep the minds and time of our school aged children busy, learning and growing. STAY HEALTHY